MP3 Samples

To order any of these CD's, click here.


"Arrival" - Steve Jolliffe, Alien

"Ascension" -  Lightwave, Mundus Subterraneus

"Captains of Fate" -  Steve Jolliffe, Beyond the Dream

"drifting..." - Bil Vermette, BeyondHereBe...

"Endless Plains" - Bil Vermette, Geophobia

"Erebus" - Lightwave, Cantus Umbrarum

"Function 12" - Mark Ashby, Dance of Shadows

"Gratuitous Sex & Violence" - Mark Ashby, Dance of Shadows

"Hidden in the Asteroid Belt" - Syndromeda, Mythical Pursuit

"Immerse" - Steve Jolliffe, Omni

"Inside Her Tomb" - Syndromeda, Mythical Pursuit

"Journeys Begin" - Steve Jolliffe, Escape

"Middle Dream State" - Steve Jolliffe, Journeys Out of the Body

"Mirror of Shades" - Lightwave, Cantus Umbrarums

"Mummy Dance" - Conrad Schnitzler, Moon Mummy

"Outriggers" - Bil Vermette, Emocean

"Riding the Hogback" - Bil Vermette, Galaxies IV

"Saiph" - Bil Vermette, Voyager

"Si es esto" - Hans-Joachim Roedelius, Introspection

"Side by side" - Hans-Joachim Roedelius, Introspection

"Sonnenstürme" - Lightwave, Mundus Subterraneus

"Tycho on the Moon" - Lightwave, Tycho Brahé

"Eros" - Steve Jolliffe, Space

"The Dream" - The Distance, The Mirror Shattered

"Uraniborg" - Lightwave, Tycho Brahé

"Zanzi Part 5" - Steve Jolliffe, Zanzi