Category Archives: Press

Critical praise for Syndromeda/Matt Howarth’s Mythical Pursuit

"This contains some of Danny Budts' (aka Syndromeda) most appealing music for quite some time. His albums are always a good listen but on this one he really pulls out all the stops. It has his signature sounds all over it, the mutli layered often quite complex sequencer backing mixing with mystical melodies that at…
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Musician Conrad Schnitzler dies – August 4

We at Horizon Music were sad to learn that Conrad Schnitzler died on the evening of August 4, 2011 from stomach cancer. In late 2005, "Moon Mummy", a CD to which he contributed the music, was released on the Horizon label. One of the great pioneers of electronic music, he will be greatly missed. The…
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Bil Vermette releases double album “Galaxies IV”

Chicago-based synthesist Bil Vermette has released his latest album, a double CD entitled "Galaxies IV". One disc in the set is called "Realm of the Galaxies" and the other is "Pulses". Both CD's showcase calming melodies mixed with sequences of varying intensity. A lack of hurriedness is evident throughout. Horizon Music is selling this 2…
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Mark Ashby – Podcast

Mark Ashby, who released a couple of CD's on the Horizon Music label in the late 1990's, has started a podcast. This is an interview show that covers progressive music in all forms, including electronic. Interviewees include Jerome Froese, Larry Fast of Synergy, Markus Reuter, Steve Hackett, Spock's Beard, and Pat Mastelotto. You can access…
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